Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I AM a fool on a bicycle.

Today I rode the cart bike thinger to pick the kids up from school for lunch. You thought I was uncoordinated on a regular bike.

Luckily Rick was with me to offer parking advice and make sure I didn't get lost. No mishaps. I met our neighbors, one of whom laughed with me (at me?) when I tried to back the cart bike thinger out of where I had parked it. (I parked for easy departure when we dropped them off after lunch, though.)

It was decent running weather this morning. I went out early to see if I remembered where the school was. I didn't. (In my defense, I had only been there once at that point.) But I did see a little more of the town. There are just enough horses to make me feel at home.

The Netherlands is perfect for runners like me. Perfect and FLAT.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Amazing! That's the only way to describe my day. Work sucked, but I've realized that a boring computer class with 6 or 7 friends is a lot of fun. We read about a ski resort that has 113 inches of snow on the slopes... so we wanted to see how much that was in feet and it being a mac computer... I have no idea where to find a calculator so I got out my cell, calculated it, and showed her. Then my whole row laughed! Ahhh, dare I say that I'll miss it...

THe more I think about leaving, the closer I get to my friends... the less I want to! I'm sure Mother Nature will fix my attitude soon enough!

Finally after almost two years I am (once again) officially a Marketing/Pre-law graduate of IUP! For some crappy reason they denied the pre law part saying they didn't offer it... even though I selected it when I applied there, took all the requirements, and was published in the graduation program as a marketing/pre-law grad... It is on my transcript... WHOOT to me!

Would have been nice to try out some of that pre-law in court fighting for a refund of my tuition dollars!

GW spoke tonight about the State of the Union. I watched for five minutes and I all of his friends in attendance stood up and applause every other word... I realized I didn't really care what GW's policies are becuase he'll do whatever it is he wants anyway... so I called my brother instead.

He's well. I'm holding things down in America... you keep doing the same in Europe.

I'm thinking we should visit S. Korea instead of Egypt... I know an Army man there with lots of lonely friends!

Off to bed I go... miss ya much!