Monday, January 30, 2006

Naked people have little or no influence on society.

I made it through my first morning. With Grandpa's help.

You'd think I could get a baby dressed. It took me a good ten minutes. Choosing an outfit was particularly stressful. I think, "Eh, he's a baby, and he's staying home today, so I could dress him in a plaid shirt and striped pants and it matters not." However, Carien wants to cultivate a sense of fashion in the young ones, so I have to choose things that match. This should be easier than dressing myself, but for whatever reason, it is not.

I stared at the piles of baby shirts and pants and suddenly my fashion mind went blank. All the blues looked the same! The winter whites looked like the summer whites!

Disaster struck despite our best efforts. Right now Ed's wearing black socks with white pants.


Anonymous said...

Damn rich kids. When I was a baby, I was dressed in rummage sale clothes and I was happy about it...damn kid. Anywho, just lettin' ya know that I'm starting to read your blog. And because I can't send you a message without it: Oh sure, you bet!

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Black socks are just practical... they'll be no need to bleach the stains left from walking around in white socks! But Amanda you should know better about white pants... as an adult (ok semi-adult) I can't wear white pants w/o stains... how are children supposed to do it... and if you can get the stains out, send me the magic stronger than Emily's stains bleach!

And as far as clothes go... do what our mom's always wanted us to do, pick out our clothes for the week and stick to it!

Ok... so I'm off to sleep. Have a nice adventure today!