Thursday, January 19, 2006

The tragedy is that you can't love anything more than something you miss.

We move, and we manage to leave a lot of stuff behind. Stuff for which I would gladly sacrifice dress space in my suitcases, if the stuff could come along with me.

These things I will miss.


2. Working out in the Dome with people I don't actually know, but feel like I know because I see them there every day.

3. Vermillion. I admit it. It's been home for four and a half years. That doesn't go so easily.

4. Theatre; specifically, the Playhouse. Painting.

5. Billy's guitar. My first paycheck is going toward a guitar of my very own.

6. Driving. I don't do very much of it, but I think a year without it is a long time.

7. Subway BLTs.

8. Hours of alone time.

9. Teaching fitness classes.

10. The people I love. Too many. Cat, Gina, my half-boyfriend, Tink, Jacket, Jon, Judi, Ma & Pa, co-"stars", fiance(e)s that aren't mine, the theatre crew, my yoga participants, the poet, Meg, singing Erins, the new roommates, Boy (my to-be bandmate when he actually writes a song and I can play the guitar), the little boy, the little boy's friends, the old baby, the new baby, the old Volanters, a couple of new Volanters, my teachers, anyone to whom I smile and wave, the guy who more often than not runs beside me at the gym and looks like DY will look in about 10 years. You all know who you are. I adore you. I'll miss you. Come visit.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

that is the cutest kitten I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

I MISS YOU SOOO MUCH!! I like that-- finances that aren't mine- I probably spelled the wrong-- but you know how I am-- Call me again sometime- it was so nice talking to you and a little sad at the same time-- at least this summer I will have e-mail all the time- So- buck up my little girl and tell those youngens to shove that little nee up their ass and drink their milk- damnit-- NEE DOG!