Sunday, February 12, 2006

It's almost like life.

My health and time constraints allowed me, at last, to join the large group of people my age who head to the bar on Friday and Saturday nights. After being overwhelmed by the sheer number of names I can't spell and therefore can't really remember, I realized that I can probably get by until I hear them used again and again, and we had a good time.

We were going to go to a place in a nearby town, a five-minute drive, but we ended up taking a 45-minute drive (which is a really long way in the Netherlands) to a bar most of them had never been to. It was a fun place. How do you describe a bar? Like home. Bigger, in this case. Drinks cost about the same, but they're about 1/4 the size of the ones at the Pub.

I got home at 4:00 a.m., which is definitely six hours later than I've gone to bed since my sleeping schedule overcame the jet lag. But I'll recover.

The Dutch Word of the Day is not repeatable.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Sounds like fun! I'm glad you are meeting lots of people! And I'm glad they took you to a bar that most of them hadn't been to... then you were almost on equal playing field... ie no one knew where the restrooms were!

I give you two weeks to make more friends... and then you had better start your year of traveling around Europe that will make the rest of us Jealous! I'm sure in the next two weeks you'll find plenty of people to travel with!

Anonymous said...

will you please call me sometime- i'm going through with drawl and it's not very fun-- don't call tomorrow thought (Monday) because I'm getting fitted for my DRESS!!! yay-- i've been working hard to try and get the smaller size- but it's ok-- they are just numbers- right? yeah-- not in today's world my friend-
love you and miss you
nee dog

Anonymous said...

hey- it's 6 there??? CALL ME NOW!! DO IT OR DIE

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Frances, I have your blogspot. And why didn't I have that before you left??? It's fun catching up on your busy days. I keep sending you Reiki energy, so think what it would be without it! I plan on seeing Grandma tomorrow and she always asks what I have heard from you. We had a slumber party last week--bout did me in!!!Happy Valentines, Sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I hope you don't mind that your Aunt Judi shared your blog with me. You are such a talented writer and it sounds like you are becoming a talented "mother". Just remember to show the kids who's the boss and they will learn quickly. It's like having a substitute teacher in the room - they need to try those things to see what you are going to do. Hope you are enjoying your "new life" and keep blogging. Happy Valentines Day!

Sandy Linster