Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The red, white, and pink.

As yesterday was Valentine's Day, I gifted the two fine gentlemen in my life with Snoopy stuffed toys, each carrying little stuffed balloons and an envelope. Adorable. They seemed pretty pleased, and the promise of a "Valentine's Surprise" got them to stay on task with bathtime and toothbrushing. Win-win.

I was on my own last night with the kids. I got them in bed and started the ironing. I told Pete a few times to stop playing with his toys. Then I heard Carl crying. At first I thought he was just talking to himself, but no, it was definitely crying.

I went in. "Carl, what's the matter?"

He wouldn't tell me. He kept calling for Mama. I told him that I knew I wasn't Mama, but that she wasn't here right now and I could help him if he would just tell me what was wrong. Nope, wasn't going to happen.

I went back to ironing, and he kept calling for her.

Mama got home about an hour later. His calls had become less frequent, but he was definitely still awake. I told Carien that she was wanted in Carl's room.

Ten minutes later she emerged, a half-smile on her face. "Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "He told me he doesn't like the dog. I explained to him that it was really nice of Amanda to bring you a present on Valentine's Day. He said he knows but it doesn't matter.

"The dog is carrying a pink envelope."


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

But it still got him into the bathtub! :) If he doesn't like it... then send it to me!

It was the thought that counts... he sounds a little too spoiled, tomorrow I think he needs some pink Kool-Aid!

Do they have Kool-Aid there? I may have to send you some of that too... I can't imagine a childhood w/o it!

Anonymous said...

this story sounds like it belongs in readers digest or something under- kids say the darndest things-- HEY CALL ME

love you

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda! Judi gave me this address. Your stories are great. It's a good way to keep in touch with everyone. I do have a new e-mail address, so I'll try again. Hope you're feeling better. Ever get your calendar?
love, Mom.