Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The as-far-as-I'm-concerned-boring-by-comparison-to-the-theatre details of the London trip.

I was lucky, lucky to know someone in London who was so generous as to let me stay at her home, which was located right by Marble Arch, which made getting around incredibly easy. Just two blocks to the underground station, and I was on my way.

Contrary to what it may seem, I did do things besides go to the theatre.

The National Gallery. I'm a big fan of the art museum. I would have spent all day in here, but I had to be at a theatre before 2:00. I did manage to see Venus and Mars, The Execution of Lady Jane Grey, The Origin of the Milky Way, and numerous impressive works by Peter Paul Rubens. I missed Van Gogh's Sunflowers, but it's easy to see why -- the gallery contains almost 2,500 paintings. If you don't have immediate plans to travel to London, you can see all of these paintings online at

Tate Modern. I journeyed all the way across town before I remembered that I'm just not that into modern art. Yeah, it was fun to look around, but I couldn't have spent a day there if I'd tried without wanting to cut off my foot and hang it on the wall. Highlights included works by Pollock, Monet, and Picasso. Lowlights included the piece that looked like the artist had thrown a can of red paint at the canvas. Indeed, the card beside it read, "The artist angrily threw red paint at the canvas and let it drip." Angrily. Yeah, see, I missed that.

In addition, I

a) ate, notably at ICCo (pizza) and Mr. Jerk (Caribbean).
b) counted no fewer than 11 couples making out on the subway escalators.
c) consumed an apple in front of Buckingham Palace, which is basically like dining with the queen.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

You ate with the Queen, that's so cool! ;)

Anonymous said...

i have often wondered if my piece which i have titled, "the artist joyously spilled blue paint on the canvas," would fit in at a modern art gallery. i see now that it could.