Saturday, March 25, 2006


The kids had their first yoga lesson the other day. (Can the fake surprise. You knew it was just a matter of time.)

But Amanda, how did you get those wild 5- and 6-year-olds to settle down enough to find their inner peace? Yeah, I didn't. It was definitely Yoga, Adjusted.

Simple enough. To start with, anything without a cool name, got a cool name, or at least a cooler name. "Dive forward into forward fold" became "dolphin", "plank" became "slide", and we were on our way.

In cobra, I let them slither around. We ran into some trouble when's Pete's cobra grew legs, but one reminder was all it took. As cats we meowed, as downward dogs we shook our tails in the air, and as warriors we carried giant swords. They especially liked standing still in mountain pose so our enemies would think we were, yes, mountains, until the bad guys were close enough for us to pull out our swords and get 'em. Those suckers didn't even know what had hit them.

Then I said, "Next we're going to do table" and Pete shifted into a perfect table pose, as if he'd been doing this yoga thing for years. "Pete, that's exactly right!" I said. (For the non-yogi readers, table is basically a crab walk, but you don't walk, and your spine and thighs are parallel to the ground, hands directly under your shoulders, fingers pointed toward your toes, ankles right under your knees, it's a logical pose considering the name, but still impressive that the five-year-old got right to it.)

Carl couldn't get over it. "How Pete know that?" he kept saying. I coudln't stop laughing long enough to offer up an explanation.

The best part? We spent the better part of an hour at yoga, because they kept wanting to learn "just one more." The other best part?

"Let's do this every day."

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Yea! That makes me happy that you are imparting the world of Yoga on those youngsters! Plus... now you get paid to do yoga!

Next I suggest you start teaching them kick boxing! I'm sure they'll have a ton of fun with that one! ;)