Monday, March 13, 2006

Maybe it's luck.

It has occurred to me, on almost a daily basis, that I am terrifically fortunate. For countless reasons, but my whereabouts is what I keep thinking of.

I could have wound up as an au pair for any family in the world. The kids could have been horrible. The parents could have been cold, disrespectful, overly demanding, unhelpful, or a myriad of other negative things.

Instead, I'm here. This is probably the best family I could have possibly found or, rather, the best family that could have found me. Rick and Carien have been nothing but helpful and accomodating. The kids are fun to be around and well-behaved, for the most part. I feel comfortable and at home here. They are why this is and will continue to be such a magnificent experience.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

We do have the Irish in our family... some say they are lucky, maybe it rubbed off on you I. We are both blessed beyond words!

Glad you realize it. Those that do aren't spoiled. And I admire you for moving half a world away, almost as much as I miss you!