Saturday, March 11, 2006

A good pair of black pants is all you really need.

I've become a notoriously light packer, which makes it pretty difficult to get ready to go anywhere. Invariably, I get there and wish I had packed more stuff.

I'm going to London for a few days, and it has already taken me a couple of hours to pack. I'm not done. I haven't actually packed anything. Mostly I just stood in front of my closet and considered my clothing options, which are fairly limited due to the fact that everything I have here once fit in two suitcases.

This is London, after all. A girl's gotta look classy.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I'm thinking you need to go to Ireland next week... experience a real St. Patrick's Day! :) The one we had (a week early?) in Pittsburgh was really a good time!

And as for standing in front of your bare closet... do you really think it would be any faster if you had a full one? I stand in front of mine for an eternity trying to figure out what I want to wear, decide I have nothing good to wear, go shopping and buy more of the same stuff!

Arg... the problem with being a girl. I'll have a good e-mail for you as soon as I find time to write it!!! :)