Thursday, June 29, 2006

It always grows back.

Those who email me regularly are probably aware of the battle I've had with my hair for the past several months. I've been short-haired most of my life, so this accidental journey into long hair over the last year has been delightful and educational. And somewhere along the line, I grew quite attached to it.

This surprised me. I was always the one who changed my hairstyle with every visit to the salon, the one who said, "Do whatever you want" to my stylist (I miss you, Carmen -- I sort of want to go red again). It always grows back.

But then it was really long. And suddenly I realized "growing back" meant a year of bad hair days rather than a couple of months of putting it under a scarf.

I went into salons in Germany, Poland, Ireland, and the Netherlands, but I always backed out. For the first time in my life, hair was a big deal.

And it's not that I had exceptionally pretty long hair. I didn't. But it felt sexy, so who cares what it actually looked like?

You know me. When I go, I go all out. And I left the salon today missing about 10 inches of hair.

It was the most miserable haircut of my life. It didn't help that before she started, the stylist said, "Are you sure?" Not exciting. Scary.

Which is why it had to be done. Hair. Useless vanity. It's embarrassing to admit I actually cared to see it go.

It was intense. It's still touch and go. But I'm slowly remembering that this is fun, too.

Two hours later, I'm here at a hostel in Utrecht, killing time before what needs to be a very early bedtime. I have to be at the airport by about 5:30 tomorrow morning to catch my flight to Faro, Portugal, and there is no way to make those connections from Den Dungen, so I had to get close to a train station where trains leave early and where I could find a place to stay. Utrecht it is, and I'm due on board at 4:07.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I too have always said hair, it'll grow back. Especially in the days where I cut my own hair and then asked a friend to make sure the back was even.

Now I too find that I care about my hair a lot more! Layers, no layers. Long, longer, shoulder length... it's all a big decision and it seems since I moved to Pittsburgh no one can give me the hair cut I ask for.

Seriously is a "just take 2 inches off" too hard? The lady took 6. That was right before Italy and then of course all of our styling applicances died and my hair was too short for a ponytail! So I have 2 weeks worth of bad hair Italy photos!

Now I'm back to having long hair with only one layer that is almost grown out. I'm afriad to go to another stylist now becuase it is finally getting where I want it and I know that no matter what I tell them they'll cut more layers!

10 Inches... I could never do it. I do want to see pictures. Hopefully you donated it to their version of Locks for Love.

And maybe you should just sleep in the train station! Enjoy your trip! I'll be expecting details upon your return!

Anonymous said...

post a picture-- i need to see the haircut!!!... and i suppose you're pretty face too

miss you

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested