Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Four-letter words.

Yesterday, I was hauling Pete inside to eat when he screeched, "Fyeck!" which gave me pause. Had he just said what I thought he said?

"What was that, Pete?" I asked.

He looked at me, wide-eyed.

"Is that Dutch, Pete? What does that mean?"

"I not know that," he said. Uh, oh.

There was nothing more about it until bath time, when I asked the boys to get out of the tub. This time Carl was the offender, and there was no mistaking that word.

What do you do? I haven't discussed with their parents how we're to handle swearing, as it has never come up before. Besides, it's really pretty funny. So I threw out the standard, "That's never a nice word to say. If you use it again, you'll have to go to bed at 7:00 tomorrow." Of course, he said it again. And now I have to remind him of this word and the fact that he said it so he remembers why he's being dealt the 7:00 bedtime.

Pete also informed me that he knows the s-word, but he doesn't know what the s-word means.

This comes on the heel of their middle finger discovery, which serves them with endless delight -- and punishment.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

How did they discover the middle finger? What are you teaching these children?

You should wash their mouths out with soap... I've seen that happen to other people and it surely didn't look pleasant. Stopped the boy from swearing (at least around his parents) until he was much older!

7:00 bedtime... does that make your life easier or harder? Hopefully he takes it well and you get some peace and quiet.

Enjoy your next round of travels!

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