Saturday, July 22, 2006

Finally, a language I'm supposed to understand.

I loved being in Spain. I was able to conduct most of my business ("I need a 2-day metro ticket." "I want to go to Barcelona on Sunday night. No seats left on Sunday? How about Monday night?" "How much does this cost?" "Can I try this on?") and some of my play ("I'm 23 years old." "Do you work or study in Madrid?" "Who is your handsome friend?") in Spanish. I was delighted.

And frustrated. Our Spanish conversations never got far beyond our education, work, and opinions on the weather. My next home? Probably in a Spanish-speaking country.

The fellow I stayed with in Madrid is from Segovia. He and his friends go back every weekend (everyone who lives in Madrid seems to hate living in Madrid) and they invited me to go along. First David and his roommate Carlos accompanied me back to the train station so I could purchase my ticket to Barcelona, and then went with me to the Reina Sofia, a fantastic art museum. They gave up after about 30 minutes to go home and siesta. I finished my visit, woke them up, and we took a bus to Segovia, which is, according to them, the most beautiful city in the world.

Indeed, it may be.

And those guys are lots of fun, too.

Back in Madrid, I:

* went to the Prado.
* spent too much time on the metro.
* bought shirts.

Also, there was a bullfight involved. I'll get back to you on that.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I'm glad you found a country that speaks a language you not only understand but enjoy!

That may be the prettiest city in the world... but until we see all of them, how will we know?

There's a new mastercard commercial here where this group of ladies are at a coffee shop in the states and the sign says, "best in the world," so they fly all over the world to make sure. They find one they like best and the one says, "pie's not bad either" and the waiter says "best in the world" and off they go....

How about you, me, and Andrea... our mission, someday decide on the prettiest city in the world?

Anonymous said...

Amanda, you are spending a lot of time with really good looking guys. Are you bringing one home with you?? Sounds like you had a great trip. Keep exploring!

Sandy Linster

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