Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Chocolate and waffles, continued.

Belgium is non-stop delight, as far as I'm concerned. As it turned out, I didn't recognize one thing in Bruges (give me a break -- I was only there for one day in '99), but who cares? I've heard it called the most romantic city in Europe, and deservedly so -- it's lovely. I kind of wish I were still there, especially since it was a six-hour round trip. Describing cities is boring for the reader and the writer.

I went to a relatively crappy art museum, but at least you had to walk through a sculpture garden labyrinth to get to it. That made it worthwhile.

Of course, not so much French language in Bruges, but still lots of chocolate.

I wore my boots. You know it's going to be a good day when that happens. Sure, I don't know a lot of Dutch, but I know what heel mooi means.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Glad you are having fun! UP for a visitor Sept 10th through 16th???

That's right, I got a new job! Of course I'm taking an extra week off to visit my European cousin!

Amanda and Brent said...

Were you the one they lowered in by the feet? I watched that whole event sitting in the windowsill of my room. Hilarity. I loved Gent. I'll be going there again.

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Looks like Venice almost... I want to go!

Amanda and Brent said...

Actually, we stayed in Gent, didn't we? Bruges was just that one day...but you were there, as was Heather, and Katie, and a few others. Just a handful of us, but we ate pizza and chocolate and sat in a park for a long time. Very fun day.