Sunday, August 20, 2006

Little things.

I was going to go to France and buy champagne for my bubbly-loving friends. Of course, now we're not allowed to have liquids in our carry-ons and it makes me more more than a little nervous to put a couple of glass bottles in my checked luggage. Sorry, folks. Blame the terrorists.

Instead, I'm going to Bruges, Belgium on Tuesday. Very exciting. I was in this city seven years ago when I came to Europe for the first time, but I remember so little of it.

Kate started school last week. She's two years old. She goes one morning and one afternoon each week. She will continue this preschool till she starts Group 1 (the first half of what we would consider kindergarten) in two years. However, she won't learn to read for about five years -- Group 3. Hmm.

In other Kate news, the other day she threw a fit after Rick left to drop the boys off (she really likes to go along) and she didn't stop screaming until he came back a full 25 minutes later. After the first three minutes, I just sat and stared at her. What am I supposed to do?

The boys are back in school, as well, after their six-week summer vacation.

Yesterday I bought paint, brushes, and paper. Today I spent about 10 hours painting. I don't want to brag, but I completed three masterpieces and started a fourth.

It's not staying light until 11:00 pm anymore. Boo.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I read your blog and immediately thought of two things.

1. It too is not staying dark very late is also getting chilly... and it's August. What happened to those hot dog days? We had them in July..

2. Kids returning to school. I imagined you replacing the dad in the Staples commerical. He's happily pushing the cart up and down the isles throwing in all sorts of school supplies while "it's the most wonderful time of the year" is playing in the background... pan to the children, walking behind the cart, heads down, sulking...

That is how I picture you and the kiddies return to school!

Anonymous said...


Starry ,starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In Colors on the snowy linen land.

Now I Understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not
know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are smoothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left inside On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.

Starry, starry night
portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget

Like the strangers that your met
the ragged men in ragged clothes
The silver thorn of bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They did not listen they're not listening still
Perhaps the never will.....

When you mentioned you were painting and all the museums that
you had gone reminded of this great song by Don Mcclean about Vincent van Gogh...hope you
like it.