Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's a treasure.

The boys and I had a pretty good week. I sent them on a treasure hunt which lasted all of five minutes. (Note to self: more clues next time.)

I also got them started on sign language and was awed by how quickly they picked up on it. I showed Carl his name once, the second time he did it with me, and then he said, "Now I do it self." And he did. All by himself, exactly right.

Pete was hesitant to learn, as 'p' is difficult letter for tiny, semi-uncoordinated hands, but after he saw Carl achieve such success he buckled down until he had it right.

Ed turns a year old on the 10th. Hard to believe he couldn't even hold his head up when I got here.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Sounds fun. :) Miss you much!