Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Last minute this.

Today I:

1. woke up.
2. found out I have five days off this weekend instead of the originally scheduled three.
3. bought a plane ticket to Scotland.

I'm leaving Friday. I spent all day trying to find places to stay -- no luck thus far. But it's only been a few hours. I'm holding on.

I have to miss Ed's birthday. I won't get back till evening on Tuesday. I debated a long time about this, but the extra day means a lot. It means Glasgow as well as Edinburgh.

Besides, I think my being here would be more symbolic than enjoyable, even. I mean, it'll be a house full of people speaking Dutch and a baby who doesn't realize what's going on, anyway. I'll miss cake. Scotland or cake? That's what it comes down to.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Ah, just put a party hat and the same outfit on him when you get back and snap a few pictures. Slide them into the photo album and in a few years everyone will forget you weren't there and probably start remembering the conversations the two of you had.

You however will have fabulous memories of Scotland!