Saturday, November 04, 2006

On the Go.

It's been a busy couple of weeks. I'm half-panicked at the thought of everything I still want to do and the very little time left in which to do it. Unless...well, who knows.

Last weekend was spent largely in Tilburg and Den Bosch with the fellow, eating nice dinners and defending my tennis abilities. Tomorrow there will be a movie, and I rather hope it's Little Miss Sunshine or The Departed. Other recommendations?

Then came Halloween. We celebrated in grand style, even though the Netherlands does not observe the holiday. I had the kids trick-or-treating upstairs as I rushed from room to room to answer the doors, and we had bat wings and eyeballs for dinner.

Thursday I went to Maastricht to catch up with Megan, who has been studying there since late August. I spent the night; we went to the World Press Photo exhibit which is currently displayed in Maastricht and to the Bonnefantenmuseum, a contemporary art gallery. We had a fantastic time there. It's definitely a good idea to take a buddy with you to a contemporary art museum. It quadruples the fun.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I heard the departed was fantastic! A movie where my friends got up afterward and said, "wow that was a good movie." I have yet to see it.

I miss you! :) I wish I could get there but starting this new job has depleted my entire bank account. Waiting 5 weeks for a paycheck is not fun when bills are due!

Anonymous said...

See the movie "Simon Birch." It will make you laugh and cry and there is a real message in it about
the purpose of life.....