Wednesday, November 08, 2006

There will always be a list.

Yes, there's a lot I still want to do. And it's really hard to find the motivation when it's cold outside. Biking to and from the train station and getting lost in large cities isn't so pleasant when it's freezing and you forgot your gloves.

So I put Antwerp off for today. Thought about going. It's just really cold. But the opportunities to do so are shrinking. I just thought about the amount of time I have left in terms of weeks. Yikes. Unless.....well.

Good things are coming. The 25 Days of Amanda's Birthday, for starters. A gala with Ruud. Sinterklaas. Rotterdam, Antwerp, and the national park, when I get around to them. Jack and Joel and a three-week (maybe four-week?) trip. Only two weeks for them. We start in Berlin on Christmas Day.


Anonymous said...

manifest plainness,
embrace simplicity,
reduce selfishness,
have few desires.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

So far you've had this list... now it is time to give this list a much more ugent priority system.

Staying inside when it is cold... easy to do.

I am jealous, my Birthday Celebration was only five days, you get 25! Do it all! :) We're family, no doubt!

And hey, get back to e-mailing!