Monday, December 04, 2006

An early Sinterklaas.

Yesterday I went with Ruud to his brother's birthday celebration. It was a quiet one, just the immediate family and the family of his girlfriend, Eevje. It was an extra special day, because it also marked 12 1/2 years of togetherness for Rens and Eevje. 12.5 is a major anniversary here -- halfway to 25.

I made a peanut butter pie, which everyone loved except the birthday boy, who does not like peanut butter. Whoops.

After dinner, Eevje's family left and we celebrated Sinterklaas a couple of days early. Ruud had warned me that Sinterklaas had a few presents for me, too, so I was expecting one or two little things -- but I was in for a surprise. There were several gifts, simple but thoughtful: a photography book of Amsterdam, little Dutch souvenirs, a stuffed frog, reflector bands for running in the dark, candy canes, an electric toothbrush, a book by Bill Bryson (comedy writing about America), and a large Rolling Stones book.

Funny story. Two weeks ago, at Ruud's mother's birthday, she asked me what kind of music I liked. I said a little of everything, mostly rock/alternative. She asked me to name bands. I listed several, none of whom she'd ever heard of. Wanting her to understand the type of music I like, racking my brain for someone she'd know, I mentioned the Stones. Hence the gift.

Touched. Overwhelmed. I felt like I'd known them for years.

It was a special day, sitting around the fire, surrounded by the Dutch language and little snippets of English, understanding what I could and pretending through the rest, laughing just hard enough at the funny stuff -- not so hard that they would notice and ask, "You got that? What was it?" but hard enough that the whole conversation wouldn't stop so someone could explain it -- and celebrating a holiday I had never even heard of until this year with a family I barely know that went out of its way to include me.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

How sweet of them! I'm glad you were included and accepted!

Someone doesn't like PB... well that's his problem! You can't help that he doesn't like what is possibly the world's greatest food. Made only better by the inclusion of jelly or chocolate!

Anyway, glad you are doing well. Would you like you presents mailed to you there or wait for your (possible) return.