Friday, December 01, 2006

Oh, there are these kids, too.

Yes, I still take care of four beautiful kids, whom you haven't read about in a while. The latest:


Still a handful, but lately he's obsessed with computer games so that provides excellent leverage for me. The threat of his computer priveleges being suspended is usually inspiration enough to get him to behave.


We're not on good terms today because he got mad and spit at me. My normally patient self flew off the handle and he went to bed at 7:00, cursing me all the way.

In adorable news, as I was doing Kate's hair this morning he said, "I think Kate is the prettiest girl in her whole school," and we exchanged a knowing glance. Actually, it probably is true.


Her behavior goes in phases. Lately, she says, "mijn papa" and "mijn mama" to me all the time, little reminders that...they're hers and not mine? I guess. Also, instead of getting mad and screaming when I chastise her, as she used to do, she starts crying and buries her head on my leg.

She goes to school two days a week and loves it. She won't eat her meal? She won't get out of the bathtub? She won't let you do her hair? "Well, I guess you can't go to school tomorrow, then." Problem solved.

She's speaking a lot better, too. Many more words and complex sentences, though they're not always understandable. My name has earned a one-syllable upgrade, from "Mah" to "Mah-na". Sometimes even "A-mah-na". She has adopted some of my language habits, and I, of course, love that.

The other day when I was reading to the kids, she kept looking up at me -- probably a total of 12 times -- the way that...well, the way that adults look at children when they're being adorable, and she would put her hand on my cheek and give me a kiss. Like, "Oooh, Amanda, you're so darn cute."

Yesterday she said, "Mah-na, yoga." She walked to the middle of the room and arranged herself in a flawless mountain pose -- big toes together, heels apart, everything. Precision. I have never been so proud.

She pooped on the toilet today. Twice.


He's a year old and he already throws temper tantrums. When he smells food or sees food or realized you're thinking about food, he starts wailing. He likes to open cabinets and he knows he shouldn't, and when I catch him in the act he starts crying about it, but when I don't, he carries whatever he found in the cabinet over to me and smirks. He really smirks.

He's walking like a champ, of course, all over the place. He and Kate are best of friends and seem to speak each other's language. They laugh at each other constantly. And Kate manages to hurt him quite often, usually because she's loving him too much. Carl and Pete insist on picking him up and carrying him places, throwing him on the couch, stuff like that, despite my own insistance that they do no such thing.


I made it to Rotterdam, finally, and took in their fantastic art museum as well as their shopping. I almost finished the Christmas project. Almost. It was a good day, Wednesday, even though I was in the process of getting sick, a process that started last Thursday, a process that continues to this day. Some days are better than others.

Tuesday is Sinterklaas, of course, so the excitement level is running high. I, too, am excited. There's this game the big kids play after the little kids go to bed. Carien explained it to me and I thought it might be something that just this family does, but I guess it's traditional throughout the Netherlands. More on that after the fact.

But before all that, Sunday is Ruud's brother's birthday party -- the second family birthday party to which I've been invited. Hopefully I'll be feeling better. It's just the immediate family this time, and they're celebrating Sinterklaas as well, so I've got to be on the A game.


Anonymous said...

well written, great insight and very nice job.

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Sounds like a very productive year! Can you believe it has been nearly a year already? How quickly things change, how fun of an adventure you've had.