Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The hills are....oh, make it stop.

I arrived in Innsbruck after dark (it was six and a half hours by train from Ljubljana). My host, Phil, suggested we meet the next day at noon and he would let me know whether or not it was a good day to go up the mountain.

I awoke the next day convinced that it was not. It was so foggy that I couldn't even see a mountain. But I met him at noon. And he said, "Today's a perfect day to go up the mountain." Sure, it's foggy down here, but those beasts rise above that, and awaiting me up the hill is a glorious sunny day.

Hard to believe. But I got on the bus. And sure enough, even at the altitude to which the bus took me, it was sunny.

Warm, even. I rode the lift up to almost the top.

The Alps. Ohhhhh, the Alps.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

The alps look so pretty! That was one thing I wish we took part in on our trip to Italy!

On second thought, I'm sure it would have been majorly cold and we only brought warm clothes!