Monday, January 15, 2007

People and places.

At one point in my life, not even so long ago, it would have seemed strange, almost horrifying, to me to visit a place and leave a few days later without having seen anything. Nowadays, it not only seems somewhat normal, but I'm also incredibly content with a visit that goes exactly like that.

I was in Croatia (Zagreb is one of my favorite places in the world and I don't even know why) on a Sunday and a holiday, so pretty much nothing was open. I went to the modern art museum and the opera and wandered around town a bit,

but other than that I just hung out with my amazing hosts, Kruno and Neven.

They threw a party in my honor.

We ate, we drank Croatian wine, we watched stand-up comedy. They bought me some burek, which is a Bosnian meat pie. I didn't want to leave.

But then I got to Slovenia where I stayed with Anja. We hung out at a bar with a friend of hers the first night. The next day we went to her university so she could make copies. The day after we went to the castle for about an hour. Other than that, we just sat around and talked. And talked. And talked. I miss her terribly. When I left it was like moving out of an apartment I had lived in for a while, like leaving a roommate I had known for years.

So what did I do in Croatia and Slovenia? Nothing. And it was the best time.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Glad you made another friend! I hope you two get to stay in touch! Besides... it is always good to have friends to stay with on your next trip to Europe! I'm sure it wont be that far away!