Sunday, February 25, 2007


I feel a little silly. Back here. I'm here, and everything was as it was when I left -- it feels like I didn't leave at all. And if it weren't for the physical proof -- the museum ticket stubs, the train schedules, the pictures -- I would have a hard time believing I was actually there.

So now. Do I keep writing this thing or not? It seems that interest has waned, and no wonder -- things are bound to be less exciting now that I'm holed up in snowy Vermillion.

But I'm determined to pick them up again soon. I'm not sure where I'll be going or what I'll be doing in the next few months, but it'll be something fun and maybe even something worth reading about. I'll debate awhile, and probably either keep blogging here, or I'll start a new one. Unless you, reader, are totally disinterested. Then there's not much point.


Anonymous said...

I have read your blog everyday for the last six months and found it to be interesting. There were moments with your kids that made me laugh.

If you enjoy writing it and it is fun for you then perhaps you should continue. It will be a nice
diary to re-read years later and you will have all those great pictures, not to mention the memories.

Because your no longer in Europe does not diminish your writing ability or change your unique insight.

If you continue with your blog I will always read it and I am sure others will...

"I have met brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and with a courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words."

gloria steinem

Anonymous said...

My computer is now back up and I really missed all your blogging while it was down. I lived my life through you for the last year!! If you don't write, what will I do? You are so talented - it would be a waste for you not to write, but I know that things get busy. You do what you feel comfortable with, but we would miss your writing.

Sandy Linster

Anonymous said...

Keep blogging

and what's this jazz about V-mill being boring? Everytime I return to Arizona, I am accompanied with a handfull of stories that could only transpire in Vermillion, South Dakota. Sure, it's a drama pit with rediculous weather, but somehow I'm always sad to leave. Maybe because I grew up there. *shrug*

Either way, I always look forward to returning and starting up some mischief. V-mill is one of the only places I've lived that encourages it. But, I think half of the attachment is that it's better to watch the town from afar and just intervene every few months, to keep the soup from growing a skin. :P

but keep bloggin. I read from time to time and certainly enjoy it.
