Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Where the deer and the antelope play.

After 13 hours in planes and about 10 more hours waiting for planes, I made it back to Rapid City.

I could launch into how weird this feels, but I'll spare you for now, at least until I get my thoughts organized.

On Saturday evening, I cried my way to Tilburg after saying good bye to the family. Ruud and I went out with a bunch of his friends -- because it was Carnaval! I'll get some pictures up in a few days. We had a great time, and rolled home around 3:30 -- pretty early, by Carnaval standards.

On Sunday we went to the parade. It started at 1:00, but it didn't get to our spot on the street until almost 3:00. It was over around 5:00, but the party on the street was just gearing up. There were so many people, young and old alike, drinking and having a great time. There was a DJ right across the street from us, so even though we were outside, we had to yell to be heard during conversations.

On Monday I repacked, trying to guess how heavy my suitcases were. I ended up leaving a lot of stuff behind for Ruud to bring when he visits this summer.

On Tuesday we woke up at 5:30 and drove to the airport in Brussels so Ruud could get back in time for work. And I was off.

And here I am. In America. Weird.

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