Saturday, June 30, 2007


One full week and we're kicking. I'm going to bed at 9:00 every night because I'm all in. We get up around 5:45 to walk on the beach and watch the surfers. Rough, I know.

It's Saturday, so we only have morning classes, and the afternoon is more or less our own. Tomorrow is my day off. Not sure what that'll bring.

Every now and again I think about what I might like to do after this gig is up. There are many, many options floating around my head. If you have exciting ideas to add to the mix, I'd love to hear about them.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I got your postcard and you know I'm jealous!

Except when I think that you and I get up at the same time everyday and I'm in a time zpone that is 3 hours ahead of you! I also stay up later than you do.

Hope you had a good Fourth of July. Are you always off on Sunday and when is your last day there?