Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Holiday

I had a delightful Sunday off in which Aunt Cathy picked me up, drove me to her home, and we decided to go Bodies: The Exhibition, which is actually at the mall three miles from where I live. So we drove back and did it.

Amazing. Truly fascinating. If you don't know what Bodies: The Exhibition is, it's actual human remains carefully preserved. There are entire bodies. There are parts of bodies. There are displays that focus on the muscles, others that focus on bones. There are diseased organs and healthy organs. It's amazing. If it next travels to a city near you, don't miss it.

We also stopped by the beach to see the seals. I got splashed when a big wave hit the rocks, so I spent half the morning wet and smelling like seal water.

I had yesterday off, as well. The group went on a field trip to Sea World, and I would have gone, too, except

A) it was my day off and I felt I should do something very much mine.
B) I figured the park would be wildly crowded on July 4.
C) I was still drying out after Sunday's visit with the seals.

So I went shopping with my roommate and bought $15 jeans and a new skirt. Days like that are nice.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I'm very jealous that you get to spend so much time with Aunt Cathy!