Thursday, July 12, 2007

Even the backhand.

Last night I attended the Nike tennis clinic, where I actually learned how to swing a racket. (Which, I've just learned, can be spelled that way, as well as "racquet," which is how I would normally spell it.) I ended up losing the championship round, even though by that time my partner had left and I had joined up with the professional, Herman, a delightful (read: gorgeous) young man from somewhere in Africa.

But it doesn't matter. I'm finally on my tennis way. People with rackets, watch out, because if you play with me, you're probably still going to end up chasing the ball for a while.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Is that chasing a ball down the hill? Everytime I play, I end up knocking it off the court all together... apparently you don't hold or swing it like a baseball bat.

Glad you are having fun, I am still sitting at my desk inside while the summer season passes me by.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm,Beam me up, Scotty(the sooner-the better). Driving around with Aunt Cathy looking at dead bodies...maybe there is something in the water or mabybe it is all that smog out there. Scares me.

I guess I will stay in my cardboard
box under the bridge here in south de-cold-da. And watch the buffalo
roam and watch the red sun fall out of the sky in the evening and look at a full gold moon come up thur the pine-trees. Someone has to do it!

I not sure what yoga is(I thought it was one of those fancy drinks that you get in a bar). I suppose
after you had several of them going
down to the ocean and posing as a
tree in front of a group of dolphins (I would wear sun-glasses too- to hide my face in case there is an arrest warrant issue). Where is the Lone Ranger when you need him or Roy Rogers?

I suppose knowing how to spell 'racquet' is important. It did't do me any good when I applied for a room in the Nursing home here.

They asked me how to spell 'bingo' and I did't get it they
turned me down. I guess they play bingo for 12 hours straight every day of the week...and if I could not spell it, I guess I was too stupid
to yell: 'Bingo!' when I won.

I told them several times that I could spell 'racquet' two different ways but they told me that did't count. And besides they did't have a tennis court and I was too damn old to be playing.

See you in the movies...

Anonymous said...

I re-read my last post and I could see where it sounds as if I'am making fun of you...that was not
my intent but instead to make fun of myself. Sorry if I seemed rude.