Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Day at the Races

You know I'm not much of a gambling kinda girl. At least not with money. My life, sometimes. But those are different stories.

But yesterday I went to the racetrack with Uncle Omar and had a blast. I was looking forward to it from the get-go, thinking it was something I've never done and it would be a nice, new, probably one-time experience. But I would go again. And again And the fact that I came out of it $0.20 ahead of the game? Well, that's just a bonus.

We also went to the baseball game, where the Phillies wiped the field with the Padres -- and we left before it was over.

Big week coming up. Yoga on the beach on Tuesday, more tennis on Wednesday, on duty in the office Thursday AND Friday -- and my dear friend Ryan coming for a visit on Saturday, followed by a trip to Santa Monica on Sunday to see Aunt Dolores. More on all of that after the fact.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I need to visit, I will have to figure out a way to get out there while you are still there.

It must be done, I will put my mind to it. Next week, this week is too busy for luxuries like vacation thoughts...