Thursday, August 09, 2007

One DAY?

There have been some good moments these last few weeks.

I taught a class last week we call Cardio Queens. It involves a lot of drills, running, stadium stairs -- intense, not for pansies. One day, I led them in ins and outs (jog one minute, pace 45 seconds, sprint 15 seconds) for 15 minutes. I had two girls complete the entire thing running. "Great job!" I said. "We covered about a mile and a half."

"What?" one said. "Really?"


"I haven't run a mile in four years."

Not only that, we did another 15-minute running workout, which she completed without stopping. She went on to run -- RUN -- the 5K that under 30 minutes.

She came up to me the day afterward. "It's because of class! I didn't know I could push myself that hard."

I LOVE this job.

And I leave it after tomorrow.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Andrea sent you a link to opportunities with her company, you can do a similar thing as a career! :)

Anonymous said...

With all that fitness training you would be the perfect person for a job for me.

There's this big buffalo in Custer State park walking around. They call him: "Big Ed." You will know him when you see him he has my boxer shorts on one horn and on the other is my right shoe. I don't
care about the shorts but I would like my shoe back.

If you could sneak up on him and then run really fast past him and grab that shoe I would appreciate it very much. Just leave it under the bridge in the delux card-board box.

I'm on my way to Sturgis on my motorcycle...for the rally.

It's kinda of hard riding the bike with a full-body cast on( thanks to Big Ed) and the neck brace and
crutches are not much fun.

Also they are looking for a new director for the Black Hills Play-House....perfect job for you.

Anonymous said...

O Brother, Where Are Thou?

Anonymous said...

I have been blocked from making comments on his log and so I will move on. Wish you the best and take care of yourself.

Amanda and Brent said...

Who is blocked and why? I haven't even checked here for almost two weeks, so that's news to me. Did the site do it?