Friday, August 03, 2007

One week? One week!

I'm approaching the beginning of my last week at work. After a killer workout schedule this week (1: Strength training. 2: Kickboxing MWF, sprints on the track THS. 3: Free, but they have indoor volleyball this week, so I've been playing along and spiking like a champ. 4: Glutes and abs -- meaning lots of stadium stairs. Add in a late night after a trip to Pageant of the Masters on Wednesday, and...), I'm dragging like you wouldn't believe. Next week, however, my final week, I'm teaching pilates, yoga, and glutes and abs. So hopefully, after having this Sunday off, I'll be able to recover.

Last Saturday I made my very own yoga DVD -- the perfect combination of my two favorite things. Today we took pictures for the cover. It will be sent out to camp participants throughout the year.

And last Sunday, I journeyed back up to Santa Monica with Aunt Cathy for one more visit with Aunt Dolores. We made tentative birthday plans, in case I can swing a trip out here in November.

Tonight I'm hitting the baseball game with Uncle Omar and Aunt Cathy. Will Bonds break Hank Aaron's record tonight? Stay tuned.

My beautiful friend Anja (you might remember Anja because I stayed at her apartment in Slovenia last January) is here in San Diego! HERE IN SAN DIEGO! I can't wait to see her. Hopefully this weekend.

Also this weekend, I'm hoping to catch up with my two lovely LA friends before I leave this part of the country.

Or will I? It has been suggested that I leave my resume with the head honchos in case an office job for the camp opens up this fall. Um.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I pray to God Bonds does not break the record tonight... I can't stand Barry Bonds. And I'm from Pittsburgh, a city where people generally like old Pirate... not I.

Also, stay there. Enjoy your new West Coast Life!