Friday, December 07, 2007

Making a move.

After two years of non-stop excitement on the ever-hot adventure trail, I'm moving to Fort Collins, CO.

Looking back over the last couple of weeks, I'm not really sure how this came about. The notion popped up nearly a year ago, and I beat it down with other, cooler notions of South America and cruise ships. But it persisted, despite my annoyance with it.

And somehow, here I am. I visited earlier this week (my first real trip to the place) and came away with two jobs. Everyone who speaks of Fort Collins does so fondly. I'm calling it temporary for now -- I'm subletting an apartment until the end of May. If I like being in one spot and having access to my entire closet all the time, I might stay. But the world is so big and beautiful -- seems a shame to settle in one corner already.

I'm a little moody about it right now. We'll talk later.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I'm sorry you feel like that. Everyday is an adventure and planting roots is certainly one!

I find it hard to believe that when the New Year rings I will have been in Pittsburgh for 3 years. I don't know how the time went by so quickly but what I do know is that I have met some of the best people anyone could imagine meeting and I'm blessed and lucky enough to call them my friends.

Planting roots can be a lot of fun and Ft. Collins was great when I was there, I'm sure you will find this to be your next great adventure!!