Friday, December 14, 2007

The Coloradoan Life

So far, so good. So little. Moved in Tuesday. Went grocery shopping Wednesday. Yesterday....not really sure. And in between there have been a lot of phone calls and emails trying to get someone to fix the light above our sink and figure out how to go about teaching private yoga lessons and put together the painting portfolio I should have been putting together all along.

This is where I am. And that is okay. For now. I know myself well enough to know that some part of me must want to be here, otherwise I just wouldn't be. And some part of me must not want to be in South America right now, or else you could visit Santiago for the new year.

I do, however, need to find another job. You just can't teach enough hours of fitness in a day to make it work. At least until the private yoga lessons get going, but who knows how that will go.

I'm thinking of a Christmas party. Busy next Friday?

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