Monday, January 14, 2008

The Highlights

Despite my come-and-go resistance to being here, there are a lot of good things happening.

1. Work. I love teaching at both gyms, and they so love me back at the one place that they work really hard to get me hours working with the kids, pouring beer (BEER! AT THE GYM!), and showing people around the weight room. I might even piece together a 40-hour work week.

2. Painting. There are some lovely little theatres here, and I'm volunteering at one right now. The guy I work with is super-talented, and he's got a couple of projects on the line that he has asked me to help him with. Yes, please.

3. Acting? What the hell. I found a guy who did new headshots for me for free, since he's building his portfolio. I've got an audition in Denver on the 26th. I love it because nothing's riding on it. No part? I'm no worse off than I am right now. Part? BONUS LAND!

4. Good people. They're all over the place, and I'm lucky enough to call some of them my almost-friends.

5. Hair. I had it dyed darker. Love it.


Sandy said...

I am so happy you are writing again. You have such a great life, but your writing makes me feel such a part of it.

Keep enjoying,

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Sounds like you are having fun. I promise I'll call soon and catch up!