Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Notes on traffic.

1. People drive really fast.

2. There are more speedbumps than Starbucks, which is really saying something. In explanation, I can only say, "see #1."

3. The roads are pretty crappy, I25 included. Cracks, bumps, you name it.

4. The lights are loooooong. The first light I get to on my way to either workplace is obscenely long, and I'm consistantly the only car I can see from horizon to horizon.

5. Canada geese. Everywhere. It is not in your best interest to hit them.


Anonymous said...

No wonder why that guy said:"I would rather be a lamppost in South Dakota than a millionaire in Chicago."

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

It seems more and more everyday that we must move at twice the speed of life just to keep up. is usually not in your best interest to hit anything with your car. Just saying...

Anonymous said...

Amanda, on to another chapter in your exciting life! Judi mentioned to me about traveling to see you!! I think it sounds wonderful. Enjoy your new experience.


Anonymous said...