Tuesday, July 19, 2011

P.S. We live in Chile now.

Brent and I moved to Chile, which I forgot to tell some people. Not that those people are any less important, it just came together quickly and it didn't feel like there was much time for telling things. But now I am telling you! And this is exciting!

Upon arrival, July 1, we stayed out in the suburbs of Santiago for about a week. How far out? When we decided to head south (in the southern hemisphere, heading south in the winter is not the best idea), it was a two-hour walk/bus/metro to CENTRAL station, where we hopped on a 12-hour bus ride to Puerto Montt.
While we were there, sometimes an entire day consisted of walking to the internet cafe, having lunch, and walking home. Santiago. Is. Not. Small.

On our second day in Chile, we went exploring. We were going to catch the bus, but when the bus wasn't there when we wanted it to be (i.e. immediately), we said, what the heck, let's keep walking and see what we see. So we walked. And walked. And 10 hours later, having not yet reached the center of the city, we got some dinner and took a bus home. Santiago. Is. Not. Small.

Now we're in Valdivia, a lovely city with less rain than Puerto Montt. We're almost thinking of calling this one home, but we are waiting on a few things, one of those things being paperwork, the kind that permits us to work in this country. Once the paperwork gets going, it could be up to four months before it's official, but at least we'll know it's happening. The main focus now is just getting it started.

In the meantime, we're eating food and walking in the cold and meeting fantastically kind people. And speaking Spanish, some of us better than others.

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