Saturday, December 17, 2011

Please repeat that another six times, I have no idea what you're saying.

Last night was my second night working at a bar. Second night ever.

The place down the street where we watch fĂștbol americano was in need of some assistance. Summer plus holiday time means that a lot of the employees are leaving, so Patrick, the owner, needed some seasonal help. Enter me and Brent.

Last night I was waitressing, not only for the first time in my life, but also in Spanish. I surprised myself by doing okay, even though there was more than one customer somewhat irritated by my requests that they repeat what they said, as I tried to pretend that it was simply too loud to hear them. In my homeland experience in the service industry, I discovered that 98% of people are pretty cool, and 2% are assholes. Here, I'd say it's closer to 75% cool, 25% asshole, and not just because I have crappy Spanish, but because they walk in that way. That's just my assessment after one night. I'll let you know if further research and observation indicate otherwise.

The pay is abysmal, and only a few people leave tips, so it turns into a long night for not a lot of reward. But, it gives us something to do, and Patrick is a great guy so it's nice to be able to help out. On Sunday he's going to teach me how to bartend. I have a feeling this is going to take more than one day.

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