Sunday, January 01, 2012

Another happy new year.

This holiday season was both strange and wonderful. Brent and I shared our first Thanksgiving (falafel, strawberry champagne, and movies), our first Christmas Eve (traditional Argentine sweetbread, amaretto sours, and working at the bar), our first Christmas (pancakes, opening presents, and movies), and our first New Year's Eve (no food, champagne, and getting violently ill in the bar bathroom).

Side note: I have decent alcohol smarts, and am still not sure what caused me to get so sick. I hadn't had very much to drink. One minute I was fine, the next minute it hurt to open my eyes, hurt to stand up straight. It was a sickness that seemed more like food poisoning, but the only suspect was a couple of chicken fingers dipped in some sauce at the bar. After an hour, Brent was ready to carry me home on his shoulders, but luckily the bartender stepped in and talked me to my feet, and I was able to walk to my own bed.

Which brings us to our first New Year's Day (water, blueberry pancakes, and movies). Today I'm fine, more or less, with a slight fever and a general inclination to stay on the couch.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, there wasn't a lot of indication that Christmas was coming. There were very few decorations around the city (though there was a mall Santa), and none of the stores had any impressive sales. Only a few special-for-Christmas foods showed up in the grocery store, none of which included egg nog (to my lasting disappointment). I can't say I miss the snow, but I will admit that it was kind of weird that it was 90 degrees outside.

The whole season was different and delightful (and could have been improved only by the presence of egg nog, fudge, and the handful of people who read this), and I got to spend it with this really cool guy I know. 2012 is going to be fantastic.

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