Friday, February 10, 2012

Chiropractic for everyone.

I know first-hand that Brent is especially good at what he does, but then stuff like this happens and it really sinks in.

In addition to people, he has also been adjusting horses and is starting to develop a clientele among that population, especially as the summer draws to a close and the horse-owners return from their vacations.

One of his first patients was Coco, a horse so dis-eased that her owner thought she was going to die. One day, the poor thing felt so bad she wouldn't even get up so Brent could adjust her. So he did it with her on the ground.

A few adjustments later, that little horse is back on her feet, moving around and eating normally again. 

We're looking forward to a thousand stories like that one.

Adjusting a horse seems almost impossible -- I had a hard time imagining it until I saw it, and we have a friend who I'm not sure actually believes that it can happen -- but Brent says adjusting horses is easier than adjusting people. They don't complain. They change and improve quickly. They give energy rather than suck it away (we all know some of THOSE people...).

And they're super pretty.

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