Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The summertime trade-off.

As the stifling heat and humidity threaten to turn me into a winter girl, after all, I have taken refuge in the fact that at least the city is empty. Not great for business, granted, but FANTASTIC when it comes to grocery shopping.

Until yesterday.

We've been told repeatedly that February is the slowest month in Buenos Aires, so I was expecting at least another four weeks of grocery-store ease. I was blindsided yesterday when I went in for a few items, not at all prepared for the lines that awaited me. And it was hot in there.

I came out grumpy and sweaty, and I wonder if the days of quick shopping are already over for another season.

Speaking of business, I have taken on a group of four girls as private yoga clients. We've done two sessions thus far, and they are loving it. I am reminded of the great joy that is my work, and the fact that what I do is, well, kinda important. It's easy to fall away from that when it's hot and you're not as busy as you'd like to be, but their shining, enthusiastic faces, new to yoga, bring it all back home.

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