Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Picture in a magazine.

Brent recently had an interview published in a little magazine called Puebla, distributed mostly in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires, from what I understand. For those who don't read Spanish, you will have to trust me when I say that it was very well done. It's already generating some interest -- he got three calls the day after it was published, and a bunch of people turned out for the chiropractic talk he gave a couple of days later.

People here are embracing chiropractic. It encourages us in our decision to come here -- although talent like Brent's is needed at home, there are already a lot of chiropractors, and a lot of people who already think they know what chiropractic is. Tragically, from what I have learned from Brent, a lot of chiropractors at home prefer to play into that idea rather than teaching people what it's really about.

Here, he doesn't have to wade through that kind of nonsense. The people who come to him are, for the most part, people who are eager to learn, who want to live healthy and discover true wellness. There is so much good work to be done here.

Find Brent's office on Facebook!  Vida Chiropractic Capital - Maschwitz.!/pages/Vida-Chiropractic-Capital-Maschwitz/169081383199171

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