Friday, March 02, 2012

The money tree is down the street and to the left.

I must be doing something right, because in the last week two people have stopped me on the street to ask for directions -- and I have been able to accurately give them. I also managed to have a phone conversation entirely in Spanish yesterday. (You must understand, this is 100 times harder than having a Spanish conversation in person.)

The apartment hunt is in full swing. We looked at one on Wednesday that we both really liked, but it's kinda far away from my work, at least for the yoga work.

Also, the guy wants to be paid in US dollars. This is not unusual; many apartment prices are listed in USD, and some owners require payment in USD. Cash payment. I find it ridiculous. I would not set up shop in the US and demand to be paid in pesos. Besides, you're not allowed to get dollars here anymore. The owner of this apartment thought that since we are foreigners, we are still allowed to buy dollars, but from what we have understood so far, no one is allowed, and to get them you have to hit up the black market.

Which we have no interest in doing. We earn our money in pesos. We live in Argentina. We should be able to pay for things in their own currency.

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