Saturday, March 24, 2012

Change of plans (hey, we're really good at that!)

This is another one of those long stories like the one that got us moving out of Chile, every bit as dramatic but not quite as hurtful. So, in the interest of brevity, let us start by saying that Brent is looking for a new office.

He was sharing with our chiropractor friend here, a fantastic person -- but he and Brent have very different styles, and a parting of the ways seemed destined from the beginning. In the long run, it's absolutely fantastic, and is only a bit stressful now as he looks for his new space.  Already there are options popping up, so we are more excited than anything.  He had a stellar week last week, and is poised only for growth.

We are still looking for a new apartment, torn between paying what we consider to be an outrageous price for an awesome place we really like, or paying something somewhat more reasonable for a box with furniture. Argh.

But, that battle will pick up another day. For now, I've got a surprise evening off from the bar, Brent is making pasta sauce, two glasses of wine are poured, and we've got a movie starting any minute now. I love these moments.

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