Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring cleaning. Well, autumn. Autumn cleaning.

I am hardly believing it, but last week we found our new apartment, and tomorrow we are moving in.

This has been a three-month search, a search that went from exhilerating to exhausting to devastating to hopeless -- and then our two-bedroomed, high-ceilinged, light-filled, furnished, peso-accepting third floor apartment in a lovely neighborhood popped up out of nowhere. Pictures to come.

Also this week, Brent will be starting his work in his new space -- the same place where I teach yoga!  It's a hugely beneficial set up for both Brent, who loves working from a yoga studio, and the yoga teachers, who might manage to snag a few chiropractic patients for the classes.

Today, we've been cleaning the mess of 10 years out of this apartment. It was dirty when we moved in, but so desperate we were at that point to just be unpacked and somewhat settled, we did only a half-assed cleaning job to start with. Unfortunately, we never recovered, and the place has felt disgusting for these eight months. The mold is immortal, and there's nothing that could ever be done about the piles of the owner's stuff -- everything from books to files to a dusty, out-of-tune piano.

We've got our stuff packed, and have been attacking every surface with whatever anti-fungal chemical we can find. Truth be told, it's not looking too bad now that we're ready to leave. But we have not forgotten what it's capable of. We are still leaving.

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