Wednesday, May 09, 2012

I shake my fist at you, Argentina.

We went to Uruguay over the weekend, which was great timing after the super-Argentiny week we had last week.

Monday and Tuesday were holidays, again, so Brent missed a day of work -- though we put that day to good use by moving to our new apartment.

On Brent's first day in his new office, the phone didn't work. He hadn't received a bill yet, so he hadn't paid yet. He went in to see what happened, and he was told his service was discontinued because he didn't pay. He said he hadn't received a bill. They said they didn't send it because it was a holiday. He asked why they turned off his service. They said it's because he didn't pay. So while they couldn't get it together enough to send a bill out, they re-organized in time to shut his phone off.

He went to the new office to get a copy of the old bill, so he could pay for the bill that never was. He shares the office with the yoga teachers and massage therapists, and it happened that someone was mid-massage when he got there, making it impossible to get into the room for the old bill.  He sat for an hour and half waiting for her to finish -- and then his clients started arriving!

I took the bill to the pay-place and waited in line for my turn.  The bill had 20 centavos on the end, and I didn't have any coins -- but he didn't have any change for me.  So we got a 20-cent discount, and I got reprimanded in Spanish for not having exact change.

One of Brent's clients later said that he keeps four different phones from four different companies in his office, since it seems that at any point at least one of them is not working for some reason.

Meanwhile, I had been up for four hours after about three hours of sleep.  I got home from work very late as usual, and woke up insanely early to prepare for my new yoga clients, a group of four that my other yoga students sent to me. It was to be my first class in my apartment, and I had to clear space and clean up a bit from the move. We had only confirmed the time and location the night before as I was on my way to work.

8:00am came and went, and the guys didn't come.  I called at 8:20, and received a text back that they weren't coming because they didn't get my address in time.  And oh, sorry, should have told you that. 

I got an email later that day saying that our ride home from Uruguay, leaving mid-day, had been canceled, and we were free to choose one of the other two options: 7am, or 5:30pm. I opted for 7:00. So there was THAT early wake-up to look forward to.

But all went well with our little trip, and we were able to re-set our tolerance for Buenos Aires. Luckily, this week is off to a much better start.

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