Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ahh, a visitor.

My friend Adam got here last Saturday, and it's been such a joy -- and not only because he brought us cinnamon and York Peppermint Patties from home. Having him around has been so easy, like he has lived here all along, and it's been a great reminder of what is fun and awesome about this crazy city.

I've had to work the entire time, but we've managed to fit in some fun stuff.  The day he arrived, we took him to a puerta cerrada -- a closed door restaurant. These are a growing trend in Buenos Aires: not an official restaurant, a chef simply cooks an outstanding meal in his apartment. Most of them have seating for maybe 10-30 people, making it necessary to reserve in advance. Casa Mun serves Asian fusion dishes: five courses, each with a class of wine. The food was sooo good, but what really made the evening was the cozy, intimate atmosphere. The chef spoke with us about the food he was making, we met new people, and the meal lasted for three hours. I can't wait for another special occasion so we can do this again.

Sunday was the San Telmo market, Monday was dinner at a parilla, and on Tuesday he left us to visit IguazĂș, which made me super jealous, as we haven't been there yet.  He returned on Thursday, did the Pub Crawl that night, and we've had a very chill few days.  He came with me to yoga on Friday, he didn't feel that great on Saturday (unrelated to yoga, though he is a bit sore), and today he has to go home. He and Brent were planning on taking a bike tour this morning (I had excused myself since I work late and was not interested in getting up at 8 to bike, not an activity I especially enjoy), but I woke up and Brent is still here.  I haven't heard anything from Adam's room, so I'm not sure if he's still sleeping or if he went without us. 

My grandma always said that company makes you happy twice: once when they get here, and once when they leave. In that case, that feels very untrue. I'm really going to miss having him, and I really hope he goes home feeling like he had a fantastic Argentine experience.

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