Saturday, June 23, 2012

A year?

Last year at this time, I was sleeping on my Thai bodywork mat, having sold my bed (among so many other things) in preparation to leave the States and settle in the America on the other side of the equator.

Yesterday marked 10 months in Buenos Aires, and next week will be a full year in South America when you count the fiasco that was Chile.  Sometimes it seems that this year has been marked more by what we didn't do than by what we did:  we didn't go to Peru, we didn't go for a visit to the States, we didn't go to Brazil, and we didn't see any of Argentina outside this great city.  You'd think that in a year´s time, especially with having the intention of doing all that and more, that I wouldn't be able to make a list like that.  It's insane how quickly this time has gone, and more insane that we don't feel we've progressed much from the day we got here.

And that's not entirely fair.  We have met a bunch of amazing people, we found an awesome apartment, I speak some Spanish words, we both have jobs, and we have not been struck by any moving vehicles.  Nothing is wasted, and our time in Argentina has been good despite the challenges.

But we're just not city kids, and this is a lot of city.  We knew after a few months here that we didn't want to be here forEVER forever, and we've talked recently about this: why spend so much time and energy building a life here when we don't really want a life here?  Why not face these challenges in a place where we really want to be, and where we can have a puppy?  

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