Friday, June 15, 2012

Put some pants on.

These short, chilly days are proof that we are moving into winter.  We've had a few frigid days, but for the most part they are fairly comfortable in jeans and coat.

The locals tend to overreact, often wearing gloves, hats, and scarves while I have my winter coat draped over my arm, thinking that maybe I could have gotten away with one more dress day.

I regularly take my coat off on the long walk to work, and tend to walk the four blocks to the gym in my workout shorts. This, apparently, is shocking behavior, since the people who pass me regularly exclaim, "¡Que frio!"

I'm not talking about someone mumbling under their breath about how cold I must be.  I'm not talking about one person mentioning to their one friend that it's way too cold for shorts.  I'm talking about at least one person, during every single one of my underclothed walks, making loud mention of how cold I surely am feeling.

It surprises me every time.  Are they really that concerned?  That surprised?  I mean, can't they figure out that I'm in gym clothes and am probably not going that far?  Can't they see that I have my coat in my arms and that I would put it on if I felt it necessary?

It's so predictable at this point that it's funny.  Might even be worth leaving my coat at home for another month or so.

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