Thursday, May 30, 2013

The show went on.

Last Friday night, Picasso Bar y Restaurante transformed into a stage so the international school students could perform their play, The Brothers Grimm.

The restaurant served a special menu to attendees, and most of the seats were taken that night. The students did a fantastic job with their show, and you could tell they really enjoyed themselves.

Brent and I talked later about how lucky those kids are. They're a close-knit group, free from the bullying and cliques that typically accompany a high school experience. They all seemed incredibly confident there on stage, and they worked so well together. Talking to some of the proud parents confirmed our suspicions: the kids are getting a great education and building strong bonds with each other, freeing themselves to BE themselves, just as they are. Thereby, the hardest part of high school is pretty much taken care of.

Not to mention the incredible, life-changing experience of living in another culture and learning a second language at a young age.

Lucky, lucky kids. I don't know if we'll ever have our own, but if we do, I hope we can give them a similar experience.

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