Friday, May 31, 2013

Cirque du Soleil in Panama City!

On Sunday, Brent said, "Guess what we're doing on Tuesday?" Naturally, I had no idea. What are we doing?

"Seeing Cirque du Soleil!"

In my favorite small-world fashion, when we lived in Buenos Aires, Brent regularly adjusted two Cirque artists -- one a performer, the other a director. It just so happened that they were touring here in Panama, a fact that Brent didn't realize until the weekend, just a few days before the final performance.

Despite a rough trip to the city (we got lost, and had both been so cocky in our ability to get to this convention center that we didn't even bring a map with), we had a lovely dinner and enjoyed fantastic seats to the always amazing show. This was Cirque's first time in Panama -- first of many, I hope.

After the show, Brent adjusted his friends and a few other cast members before we drove back to Coronado.

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