Tuesday, June 11, 2013


We haven't said no to much since we got to Panama -- that goes for social events and work opportunities. Sometimes the most interesting things are the things you never saw coming, that crop up out of nowhere and take you by surprise. So we keep saying yes, taking on new projects and seeing what pans out.

It is in this way that I started working at Loco's on Friday and Saturday nights. This is picking up where I left off in Argentina: greeting people, chatting them up, making drinks. It's a lot of fun, even though the nights are late and I have no consistent way of getting home. (So far, I've gotten rides from the last customers to leave and from the owners of the restaurant.)

Unfortunately, the first weekend I went to work happened to coincide with three dinner engagements with friends I had been looking forward to, so mentally it was a rough start. I've recovered from that by now (mostly) and am glad to be of help to the owners, who are great people, and I enjoy the time spent with the customers who come in (many of whom are already good friends of mine who I would probably choose to spend Friday and Saturday nights with, anyway). I'm working on not allowing the late nights to ruin my days for half the week as I recover the sleep, but that might be unavoidable -- you can't take the morning out of the girl.

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